If you like to have a cocktail every now and then, keep your money out of the casino if you are going to do your consuming in a casino. I am serious. Clean out your handbag, your billfold, and leave all cash, credit cards and cheques back at the hotel. Take only the money you intend to use on drinks, tips and few dollars you intend to lose and leave the remainder behind.
Cynical? Not really. Realistic more like. You could have a success following a boozy evening out with your comrades and be lucky sufficiently to hook a long roll at a on fire craps table. Don’t forget that account considering that it’s as brief as it gets if you continuously consume alcohol and wager. The pair simply don’t go well together.
Keeping your cash out of the casino might be a tiny bit excessive, but defensive measures for excessive actions is a requirement. If you play to win, then do not drink alcohol and bet. If you like to burn your $$$$ nary a worry, then consume all the free alcohol your stomach are able to handle, but do not carry credit cards and checks to throw into the mix of following squanderings after your befuddled self throws away all the cash!
Permit me to take this a single step further. Don’t drink and then hop on to the internet to bet in your preferred online casino either. I enjoy a cocktail from the coziness of my abode, however seeing that I’m hooked up through Neteller, Firepay and keep plastic credit at my fingertips, I can not consume alcohol and wager.
Why? Despite the fact that I do not drink a lot, once I drink, it’s certainly sufficient to befuddle my common sense. I wager, so I don’t consume alcohol when wagering. If you are more of a drinker, do not wager when you do. The two mix up for a dangerous, and crazy, drink.
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